Golovinsky Avenue

Golovinsky Avenue is the former name of Shota Rustaveli Avenue. It was named in honor of Yevgeny Alexandrovich Golovin, the governor-general of the Baltic region and the founder of the port of Novorossiysk. After finishing his studies in Moscow, on April 4, 1797, Yevgeny Alexandrovich entered military service with the rank of ensign in the Life Guards. He participated in wars against France (including the battles of Austerlitz, Borodino, and Leipzig, as well as the capture of Paris) and in several wars with Turkey.

During the Turkish War of 1828-1829, Mr. Golovin was appointed commandant of Varna. At that time, a plague epidemic was raging in the city, and the garrison soldiers refused to remove bodies from the hospital. Golovin, dressed in his ceremonial uniform, personally carried out the body of one of the deceased along with three volunteers. Two soldiers who helped Yevgeny Alexandrovich contracted the plague and died, but Golovin was fortunate enough to survive.

From 1837 to 1842, Yevgeny Alexandrovich managed the civil administration in the Caucasus, and in May 1838, under his leadership, the city of Novorossiysk was founded. 

He successfully opposed Imam Shamil, forcing him to go into hiding in 1839. 

In 1845, Golovin was appointed governor of the Baltic region, but he held this position for only three years—his attempts to convert the local Lutheran Christian population to Orthodoxy caused great discontent. 

Yevgeny Alexandrovich died in 1858.

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