The Sukhum Alexander Nevsky Cathedral

The Sukhum Alexander Nevsky Cathedral was located at the intersection of Romanovskiy avenue and Inzhenernaya street.

First idea of building arose in 1868. 

That same year, at the request of the head of the Sukhum military department, Major General Vasily Alexandrovich Geiman (1823–1878), 40,000 rubles were allocated from the state treasury for the construction of the church.

However, with Geiman’s departure from Sukhum in 1873, construction was halted, as the new head of the department, Major General Kravchenko, was indifferent to the project.

The Alexander Nevsky Cathedral was eventually built in 1888, and that same year it became the cathedral of the Sukhum Diocese. Unfortunately, in 1937 the cathedral building was demolished, as was the cathedral cemetery.

In 1949, a philharmonic hall was built on the site of the former cathedral.

The chapel of the cathedral cemetery remained standing for almost another 40 years, but was demolished in the first half of the 1970s.

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