Gagra. Prince Oldenburg palace

Alexander Petrovich of Oldenburg was born on June 2, 1844, into the family of Prince Peter Georgievich of Oldenburg and Princess Therese of Nassau.

He was the great-grandson of Tsar Paul I and a close relative of Tsar Nicholas II.

By 1863, he was already a company commander, and shortly afterward, he became a battalion commander.

After graduating from the School of Jurisprudence, Alexander Petrovich returned to military service.

As a major general, he participated in the Rusian-Turkish War of 1877–1878, and by 1895, he attained the rank of general and became an adjutant to Alexander III.

In 1890, the prince established the St. Petersburg Institute of Experimental Medicine at his own expense, the first institution of its kind in Russia.

In October 1901, Oldenburg began the creation of a “climatic station” in Gagra, and within six months, all the main structures (hotels, hospitals, piers) were completed.

On January 9, 1903, the official opening of the resort took place at the Gagripsh restaurant.

Receiving congratulations and greetings from the guests, Prince Oldenburg presented the first visitors with silver medals minted to commemorate the occasion.

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